About ALIF BIO DIGESTERS Uganda Limited

ALIF Bio Digester is a Brand of ALIF CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LTD and is the leading manufacturer and supplier of bio toilets and bio-digester tanks. We provide these Biodigester Toilet as per the requirements of the customers. Biodigester is a revolution in sanitation. It provides eco-friendly disposal of human waste. It is maintenance free, efficient without dependent on any energy source and it’s effluents are odourless. These biodigester reduces the solid waste to liquid and at the same time produces gas. It prevents human waste and unstained water from dirty groundwater.

Biodigester Benefits

1. No Emptying
2. No Smell
3. Hassle Free Installation and minimal maintenance cost as the system has no mechanical or moving parts.
4. Economical on money and space. The largest system is 4 metres in diameter and the biodigester is installed underground.
5. The bio-digester can withstand pressure and weather due to its physical abd structural design.
6. The system can work in any type of soil.

Process of Biodigester

Biodigester made of RCC is equipped with inlet pipe for human waste. The inoculums produced from our own inoculum plant for ALIF biodigester that are introduced into the bio septic tank helps convert the solid waste into liquid effluent which can be drained off to any surface and used for irrigation purposes.

An inlet pipe for the waste connects the toilet to the tank. The outlet pipe for carrying the effluent is placed on the other side. The First seed inoculum plant of anaerobic bacteria digester is introduced into the bio tank. Which always routine and popular bio toilet cleaning agents can also be employed without affecting the bacterial population. Sewerage enters the bio septic tank through the inlet pipe; it then passes over the consortium of anaerobic bacteria which break it down into gas and effluent. The treated effluent comes out through the outlet pipe and can be used as-such for gardening purposes or can be treated further by passing it over the reed bed system.

The reed bed system can be optionally added on top of the bio-tank for the second treatment of the water coming out of the bio-tank. The reed bed system comprises of bed of sand and pebbles along with natural wet land plants. The reed bed can ameliorate the waste water that comes out of the bio-tank by totally reducing the smell, suspended particles and pathogenic micro-organisms. The effluent is very safe to discharge into the environment. A pump may be used for further utilization of the water that is coming out of the reed-bed system. A solar panel may be used to power this pump thus making it eco-friendly.

Bio septic tank cum reed bed system is also used to treat the wastewater of kitchen and bathrooms, which enters the bio septic tank just near the outlet pipe and the treated water along with sewage effluent passes on to the reed-bed system.

Bio septic tanks are of different sizes, either for single house or multi-storied complexes. The eco-friendly technology works at a wide range of temperature.

ALIF Bio Toilet Manufacturer in Uganda


Bio Toilet Features

  • Bio Toilet is a next generation environment-friendly waste management process
  • Bio Toilet completely eliminates the need for human maintenance.
  • Eco-Friendly and 100% hazard free.
  • Effluent is free from odour and solid waste.
  • Single time feeding of bacteria inoculums throughout operational life.
  • Faecal matter in the bio tank is not visible.
  • No clogging of digester.
  • No bad smell from the bio toilet tanks in contrast to odour from conventional septic tank.
  • Fermentation container is made of FRP/RCC.
  • Anaerobic bacteria can double its population within 6 to 8 hrs-Bio Toilet
  • De-composes matter into effluent and gases.
  • The Bio toilet installed with biodigester can function at temperature between 5° to 50° C.
  • Water outlet from biodigester can be used for watering plants in gardens.
  • We are a leading anaerobic digester manufacturer in Uganda.






Eco-friendly & hygienic.

Unhygienic disposal of human waste leads to surface
and ground waters pollution and health problems.


Maintenance free bio-digester and one time
inoculum feed throughout life time.

Needs periodic evacuation of sewage and
maintenance intensive.


More than 99% pathogens reduction.

Possibility for spread of diseases.


Less space requirement (1/3 of Conventional Tank).

Require larger space.


No foul smell.

Obnoxious smell from septic tanks.


Generation of odourless, recycled effluent water and
inflammable biogas.

No useful by products.

Biodigester Models

Biodigester can built Less than 30% of conventional septic tank area is sufficient.

Model 1


  • USERS / Day
  • Home

Model 2


  • USERS/Day
  • Home

Model 3


  • Complex/Hotels
  • Institutions/
    Gated Communities

There is no need to evacuate the tank, which is required for conventional septic tank at frequent intervals.  This tank requires no maintenance and very little quantity of H2S is produced.

ALIF Construction Co. limited, dedicated for bio projects is a leading manufacturer of bio toilet in Uganda  and anaerobic digester tanks based in Kampala, Uganda. We are also one of top anaerobic digester manufacturer in Uganda. We indigenously produce inoculums for our customers in our own in-house inoculum plant for biodigester on made to order basis.

Biodigester can be easily customized with respect to geo-graphical conditions, number of users, mobile or stationary applications and economic conditions of the user.

Alif  biodigester tanks can be made to cater any number of users from small home to huge community Apartments, Schools & Colleges, Hospitals, Industries, Theatres and Tourist places. ALIF BIODIGESTERS,  we are reputed Bio Toilet Manufacturer and Installer in UGANDA. TALK TO US TODAY :

CALL : +256755 91 73 24

           +256755 91 73 16

Email: sales.alifgroup@gmail.com

Located: Old Kampala, Ugachick House, Second Floor ROOM 1

#SaveMoneyLiveBetter #ARevolutionInSanitation https://www.facebook.com/AlifConstructionUG


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